UPD черепаха получила отличное имя - KURA и продается
Рост — 11 см Период продаж — с 8 сентября 00:00 по 10 сентября 24:00 (GMT+7) Комплектация — черепаха со снимающимся панцирем, мэйкап и блаш, сертификат и упаковочные материалы Цена — 275$
В честь хеловина продают мальчиков юноа в специальном монстрячьем цвете. Всего выпущено по 40 шт китов на весь мир и повторять не будут Каждый набор включает в себя шесть фэйсплейтов ( Default L-bi и B-el, Decadent L-bi, B-el, Lusis, и Sist) + кисти рук кулачки. Заказать можно по цене 350$ (с доставкой) в течении сентября.
Roserin Dolls продают DINO в двух версиях: Growth и Original
Рост — расчитан на рост 60-65см Лимит — период продаж с 9 сентября 12:00 по 15 сентября 17:00 (KST) Комплектация — йорик, шильдик, сертификат и упаковочные материалы Опции — цвет материала: white, normal; Цена — 160$
First of all, thank you for your patronage. We would like to notify you regarding the modified PayPal transfer fee which has come in effect since last month.
1. Buyer's responsibility on the transfer fee According to Korean Law, it is a rightful process for buyers to be responsible for the transfer fee and it has automatically been applied to buyers. SWITCH is Korea based company and has confirmed the legal rights with Korean Law before we have posted the regarding notice.
After such notice, few of our customers have contacted us and said that it may be illegal which has shocked us quiet a bit and asked them for any official documents or information on it. However, no one has contacted us back with appropriate document or information. We have contacted the manager at PayPal regarding this mater and have received response that is not to firm nor clear. Followings are the letter our company has sent to PayPal:
Q: Our company has recently suggested buyers to be responsible for the PayPal transfer fee when they make purchases with PayPal. One of our customers has contacted PayPal regarding this matter and have been told that it is against the PayPal regulation and our company should be aware of it. Acoording to Korean law, it is legal and righful for buyers to be responsible for any type of fee for transfering money and we have changed our regulation to be suitable for such law which we have had volunteered to be responsible for customers' conveniences before. We have never received any notification regarding this matter from PayPal and we also run the company in Korea and therefore follow all the business rules of Korean Law. As of now, we have been confirmed by legal office that we have not violated any law at any time.
Where can we get the information on regulation of responsibility of the PayPal transfer fee? Also, we would like to know if any notification was ever sent to clients before. Then, give us an official response on whether it is a violation of PayPal Business customer regulation for a Korean company to let buyers be responsible for the transfer fee which is suitable under Korean Law. If it is a violation, please let us know why and how it is so and if our company would continue to use PayPal business account, what do we need to do.
On the response we have received, it said that by default, PayPal asks sellers to be responsbile for the transfer fee and they suggest that if our company doesn't want to be responsible for the fee we should just raise our price to include the fee itself. We have not received responses on additional questions. (Even on this information, the response we have received through several calls and e-mails were different and changed so we are not too sure which is the right answer.)
There is a problem with tax report. When we receive payment made on oversea sales, we are required to make sure that the actual sale price and the payment are equal. However, the gross amount we receive are the amount without PayPal fee so there will be actual difference of 4-5% on top of the difference caused by exchange rate.
We are currently working on this matter with the regarding office but when it comes to tax report, we have been suggested to receive the exact amount of the item price.
Lastly, due to system difficulty, it is difficult to apply the system which will pre-calculate and add the PayPal fee to the price, and we have put up the previous notice since when we follow the Korean law, it is suitable for buyers to be responsible for the fee and it woule be easier to let each buyer be responsible for their own fee which differs amongst everyone.
All these problems have accured because there is no other system to process oversea payment besides PayPal which follows totally different law and regulation of Korea. We are hoping that many of these problems will be solved since PayPal is finally to launch its official service within Korea but until then, please understand that there can be lot of differences and clearances under many circumstances.
We are in the process of consulting our PayPal account manager and another notice will followe. For customers who have paid for the transfer fee in the month of July, refund on the fee will be made.
2. Regarding payments in future
Until the final confirmation is made on this matter with PayPal, if any release is made during the period, the same price and fee regulation will be applied. (Item price is set and SWITCH is responsible for the PayPal fee) However, under this circumstances there will be a slight problem with tax report under Korean Law and therefore there may be need for adjustment and we ask you for understanding in advance. Next, if you criticize us by just looking at the period where we actually have advantage on the price due to the exchange rate, please do so after careful consideration. Even in the time of very low exchange rate, SWITCH have only adjusted the shipping fee and have never reflected the rate on the item price.
There is not much we can do about the fluctuating exchange rate, not to mention that the below-standard exchange rate PayPal puts upon us is one of our biggest concerns. Also, if you consider that we have never raised the price of items since 2010, we are sure you can understand why we have decided to change the responsibility of the PayPal fee to follow Korean Law.
Please understand that any process related to this circumstance will result in adjustment of item price in future.
We have received few questions from few of our customers regarding the previous notice, but when we asked them to share the response they have received from PayPal, no one has done so.
If you have any problem with our current business system, please help us to see and reflect on it by sharing any information you may have instead of criticizing.
For the last two months, we have spent lots of time with the PayPal manager but due to the language gap and the understanding on the Korean Law and business system, we have reached the conclusion that there is no possible solution as of now.
PayPal is planning to offer official service in Korea and we have received a response from the manager that they will be working very hard on similar problems. Also we will try to respond quickly on similar problems through the PayPal manager.
Also, SWITCH is considering other payment system beside PayPal and until then we really wish that our customers will be using the PayPal with more convenience.
We are truly sorry for any inconveniences.
Thank You
Выжимка: по Корейскому законодательству так как они поступили сделать можно. Для выяснения того можно ли так поступить по правилам пэйпал они написали запрос с просьбой прояснить эту ситуацию. Полученный ответ компании показался мутным потому что им написали что да, пэйпал считает что ответственность за проценты лежит на фирме продавце и если компания не хочет делать это за счет прибыли, то пусть еще повысят цену. Для компании брать на себя оплату процентов очень геморно потому что процент всегда разный + скачки курсов валют = постоянно объяснять в налоговой почему цены всегда разные. На данный момент они берут оплату процентов на себя, но продолжают искать способ привести все к единому знаменателю
Ранее при покупке куклы (Double, Vito, Kids lin) в комплект входил парик какой комплектовщик положит. С 10 сентября компания исключает из набора парик. Теперь при покупке куклы, если вам нужен парик - его надо купить отдельно.
Souldoll уведомляют что внесли изменения в тело N.L BOY. Была добавлена толщина тонким стенкам, поправлены коленные и локтевые шарниры чтобы получить безопасное и плавное сгибание. Фотографии обновят как только так сразу. Рассылают на новом теле с этого дня
Менеджер по недоразвитию, perkeleводчик и дятел клавиатуры
Loongsoul выпустили Линь (Lin) и Хэ (He) - обе куклы пока что отсутствуют на официальном сайте компании. Сами куклы не лимитные, лимитны только их костюмы (которые можно приобрести отдельно за $92). Для Хэ можно выбрать четыре варианта тела (два 58-см и два 63-см). Приобрести кукол и костюмы уже можно на сайте дилера компании - DollMix. При покупке товаров Loongsoul и Charm Doll магазин предоставляет скидку до 15%.
Менеджер по недоразвитию, perkeleводчик и дятел клавиатуры
I.O.S.грозятся в период с 7 по 28 сентября всем, кто сделает заказ в указанные сроки, дарить парик Новы. При этом не уточняется, распространяется ли это вообще на все заказы или только на Нову.
Рост — 12 см Продажи — с 18 сентября по? Комплектация — кукла, акриловые глаза, сертификат и упаковочные материалы Опции — цвет: черный или белый (-50$); мэйкап черного котика(+30$), белого (+40$); одежда (+32$); Цена — 220$
С 5 сентября по 5 октября будут продавать Evol doll Charles. Все по старинке, будет доступен йориком 160$ и куклой во всем разнообразии цветов. Тем кто купит целую куклу подарят стеклянные глаза с маленькой радужкой.
UPD парень входит в новую линию "I'm Your Boy". В этой линии будут выходить молды в разных вариациях так чтобы наверняка бить по кошельку сердцу покупателя. Первыми 7 сентября 10:00 по 9 сентября 24:00 будут продавать [SENSITIVE] SEOJIN и DOJIN. Парень с закрытым ртом стоит 160$, с языком 170$, а оба йорика разом 320$. На промо они на теле Humming Dolly 65boy