Сообщение от Kaye Wigg
Hi Everyone,
I have some news to share. During the Nyssa order period, we had allowed some layaway options to several customers. It has now been almost a year since the ordering and well....I still have 4 girls never paid for. I have emailed and tried to contact those customers over the months and can no longer hold these 4 Nyssa fair skin elves. I was going to just put them on cart and announce, but decided that we would instead hold a lottery drawing. The four winners would be able to purchase a Nyssa fair skin elf at the original purchase price.
To join, please pm me here with the subject Nyssa fair elf. Please DO NOT email.
I will print the pms in sheets, cut up the strips, put them in a hat and draw 4 winners. Only one per customer please, and only open to those who are currently members. Members joining after this announcement are not qualified.
I will take pm's until Sunday at 9:PM Pacific Time. Then next week, I will do the drawing and announce the winners.
I am not sure which day yet, we have dolls coming in to ship out, so....I will make another annoucement on News and in Jpopdolls Doll Sales.
в двух словах.
У нее осталось от тиража четыре неоплаченных клиентами Nissa Fairy Skin. И она разыгрывает их в лотерею на форуме The Resin Cafe Победители смогут купить Ниссу по первоначальной цене.
В лотерее участвуют зарегистрированные пользователи и послать ей PM. она будет получать заявки до воскресенья Sunday at 9:PM Pacific Time.
На следующей неделе объявят 4 счастливчиков