четверг, 16 сентября 2010
сообщение от Catrina из Dollfair: на ДОА
Hi everyone,
First off, I want to apologize for my communication as of late.читать дальше My landlord sold the building we had been leasing space for Dollfair recently, and he offered me another space only a block away.. but we had to move immediately to take possession... for those who have visited here at Dollfair, you know what kind of massive job that has been for us the past two weeks. So I hired a service to answer our emails and asked them to reply to each email, and then send me a list of questions to answer every day. I'm afraid in hindsight they didn't do the greatest job. So I'm sorry if you thought your questions were going unanswered. we should be finishing up the move tomorrow, and my plan is to sit and spend a whole day going through everything and making sure everyone gets a reply.
Now on to the news...
The information I've been given from Korea since April has been sketchy.. that's not unusual with Korean culture. What happened is that at the end of April, Narin Creative's contract to license the dolls ended and Bimong was to take over. Nobody really discussed this with me when it happened, but the whole story came to me in bits and pieces from both Bimong and Narin Creative. At the time, Narin Creative felt Bimong had not fulfilled his obligations in the contract, and Bimong also felt that the company had not fulfilled its obligations to him. So they proceeded to sue each other in Korean court. I was told that this would be over very quickly, perhaps only 4 weeks.. and I also was given a copy of the contract between Bimong and Narin Creative so I could have it translated and make my own consultations. I did that. It could have gone either way, but the end result was the same for me-- the dolls would be made by either one or the other party.
So I had a situation where both Bimong and Narin Creative felt they were the owners and both asked me to send the orders and money to them, which was of course crazy. It was decided I should send the orders and the money to the casting manager who worked with Narin Creative and Bimong for many years and had all the masters and molds for Narin dolls. I did that.
Despite assurances the decision would be quick.. things kept dragging on. In hindsight, I wish I'd just shut things down months ago, but I kept getting enthusiastic assurances from both sides that it would be over in a matter of ten days.. quite frustrating as things kept dragging on. (at this point, insert hundreds of hours of email conversations, SKYPE and huge translation bills)
Last week, the court case was settled in Bimong's favor, and he has officially regained ownership of all his doll licenses. He knows things are desperately late and has shipped me the Neferti master sculpture so I can complete the castings needed for all Neferti orders and get those out in October. I was waiting to have it in my hands before making an announcement, and now i can say-- it's here. Right now I have a professional color matching expert color matching all the eight resin colors.
I have also asked Bimong for masters related to all the other outstanding orders, as well as any parts and castings or full dolls completed related to outstanding orders. I am waiting to get an accounting of that, and see if he will send me those masters. He has taken over a much bigger company than he had five or six years ago, when he made one doll at a time. He told me he wanted to continue to make one doll at a time, and I told him that was no longer possible. I have offered to come to Korea to assist in any way possible, including lending a hand with casting, finishing or any part of the process but he has asked me to wait.
I would like to assure everyone that we are at the endgame on these orders, now that the court case has been concluded. At this point, all the funds have been sent in to have the orders made in Korea but if further delays are expected, I am being very firm with them that they must send the masters and allow us to get everything completed here.
Here are the steps I will be taking:
1. Neferti heads will be casted here and completed next month.
2. In the next day or so, I will be updating the Dollfair site and suspending new Narin orders until all outstanding orders are completed. I had wanted to do that in the past, but kept getting assurances things would be over soon and to not do that. If only I had a crystal ball..
3. Because the orders and money for those have been sent to Korea and I am unlikely to be able to get them to send funds back to me, I will begin a special sale shortly of most of the rare and one-of a kind dolls in my collection at Dollfair to raise funds for anyone who wants a refund. Please give us a couple weeks to achieve this. I will also give preference in any of the special sales towards one of my customers who has been waiting for these shipments.
4. I will be setting up a special email to separate the Narin order questions so you can get your questions answered faster, right from me. If you'd like a phone call, that would also be great. I have SKYPE also, for international. Sometimes a phone call is just easier, so you can get everything answered in one fell swoop rather than waiting for email.
Most of you know me from years past, and I've brought in a lot of dolls for many of you. You have my personal assurance that this WILL be positively concluded for each and every person who placed orders. Bimong and Narin Creative also have no connection to any other company or artist I work with, such as Limhwa.
Let me know if you have any other questions, and I should have more and more information soon now that the court case is over. Once again, thank you for your extraordinary patience and faith.
Catrina в двух словах, если я правильно перевела.
бла бла бла про суд, авторские права и и извинения.
1. Головы Neferti только сейчас будут отливать, и обещают к концу месяца
2. Сайт Нарин закрывается на переделку, а новые заказы принимать не будут, пока не отольют старые. Это давно пора было сделать, да только все обещали, что все разгребут, все успеют...
3. Поскольку заказы и деньги, которые уплыли в Корею, назад уже не вернешь, то Карина будет распродавать самые редкие куклы из своей коллекции, чтоб вернуть деньги тем, кого нагрел Доллфейр.
4.Будет сделан отдельный почтовый ящик для решения вопросов с заказами, кроме того у Карины есть скайп, можно позвонить и поговорить живьем
Все это .... гм. не касается других контор, с которыми работает Карина например Лимхвы. Вы знаете ее как честного человека, достаточно надежного.
в общем, пишите пострадавшие.
А продавать кукол она будет для того, чтобы вернуть деньги тем, кто хочет рефанд.
И при продаже будет преференция тем, кто ждёт от неё нариновских кукалок.)))
радует что хот что то вообще с мертвой точки сдвинулось (честно говоря, своего маленького нарина я уже похоронила)
интересно, что будет с теми, кто заказал неферу не головой. а целиком, с телом и бирюльками.
вообще чудо, что эта героическая женщина Карин разгребает всю ту лабуду. которую наворотил Бимонг с Креавтивом... какой она молодец, все таки
пусть отдохнет, зато если голова все таки вдруг приедет, это будет тааакая радость - -неожиданнаяобманутых вклачиковвстревоженных клиентов услышал от Катрины,что тушки она тоже сама отливать будет....И остальные головы тоже?Да-да,прямо в американском офисе. В предыдущей серии речь шла только о том,что Катрина получила мастер-формы головы Неферти...Все это становится немного запутанным,учитывая,что она говорит,что деньги все равно ушли в Корею...интересно,чем все это закончится...
trollenok неа,отливать у себя будет!
И вообще-апдейт!
Сайт Нарин-долла обновлен,там теперь НЕТУ НИЧЕГО...Одни извинения...И только инфа о заказах Неферти.Я так хотела Нарае 2/3...Мэрилин Монроооо мояяяя
Due to a delay in production of orders of Narin Dolls, we are temporarily placing a hold on new orders until past orders get caught up in Korea.
NEFERTI orders will be shipped in October 2010.
Apologies for our poor communication the past two weeks, which was due to our move to a new location (one street from past location). We contracted with a service to answer the emails while we were moving, but due to the wide variety of questions possible with BJD's it became overwhelming. So we're sorry about any inconvenience or worry caused.
Dollfair International
278 Karl Street
Berea, Ohio 44017
new phone:
New email hotlline:
[email protected]