Bobobie объявили, что у них скопилось некоторое колличество готовых кукол, которые они будут готовы выслать в течении недели после оплаты.
Список кукол, которые можно купить сразу и по сниженным ценам
Bobobie Christmas and new year quick orders and promotion
Quick Orders
Christmas and new year is coming. We made some dolls in stock. Usually it is 4 to 6 weeks to ship the order. The in-stock dolls can be shipped within one week if you choose no faceup, if you choose to have faceup, the time is 10 days.
Here is the in-stock doll list:
70cm Boy:Long, Feng, Dong
Skin colors: normal skin, white skin
68cm Girs: Chun, Lian, Ling
Skin colors: normal skin, white skin, grey skin
60cm boy: Apollo, Weylin
normal skin, white skin, ligh tan skin
60cm girl: Ophelia, Pandora, Elena, Rachael
skin color: normal skin
60cm boy: Gang
skin colors: normal skin, light tan skin
58cm girls: Dai, Yun, Dan
Skin colors: normal skin, white skin , light tan skin
43cm mature girls: Tiah, Pixie, Ariel, Espree
Skin colors: normal skin, white skin
44cm boys: Song, An, Jun, Mai
Skin colors: normal skin, white skin, ligh tan skin
42cm girls: Mei, Ju, Lan, Lu, Fei, Ya
Skin colors: normal skin, white skin, ligh tan skin, grey skin
44cm new double jonted boys: Wu, Seng
skin colors: normal skin, white skin, light tan skin
42cm double jointed girls: Rong
Skin colors: normal skin, white skin
27cm girls: Ni, Bei,
Skin colors: normal skin, white skin, light tan skin
28cm boy: Xu
Skin colors: normal skin, white skin
These dolls's price is lowered during the holidays season:
Dai $180
Rong $128
Mei $120
Lan $115
Seng $130
Song $128
Xu $95
Bei $90
The price is the basic price for the dolls, faceup is not including, and for normal skin and white skin. The price is $10 more for faceup. The price is $10 to $16 more for pink, blue, sky blue, light tan, grey, lialc, red and green.
If you have any doubt, please contact dennis by email: [email protected]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the people!