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Dollshe появилось объявление, что начался (еще аж в ноябре) второй круг продаж кукол. Кто забыл, таких кругов будет всего 3, а затем мистер Д собирается снимать с продаж всю существующую линейку бжд-парней, только не совсем ясно, временно или насовсем.
Все как и в первый круг - скидка на все 30%, старые молды по-умолчанию приходят на старом же теле, и заказы с ними будут делаться на месяц дольше, чем все остальные. И в очередной раз напоминание, что перевыпуска Берманна не будет.
Третий раунд начнется, когда доделают и упакуют все заказы из второго.
Оригинальный текст новости* Final Chance to Order Existing Lineup of DollShe craft Boy Dolls: Round 2
DollShe craft will be discontinuing our entire lineup of boy dolls. We've finished casting the orders from the first round of orders. As soon as we're done with the gate removal (basic aesthe) and packing processes, they will all be shipped. As during the first round, all dolls will be offered at a 30% discounted rate. The same applies to parts. We will only take a set number of orders we can ship within 2-3 months.
* Applicable Dolls
Orijean, Rosen, Saint, Bernard, Pabo
Temporarily Discontinued Heads
OE Hound, SA Hound, IM Hound, Elf Hound, OE Husky, SA Husky, OE
Van, OE Old Saint, SA Old Saint, OE Old Bernard, SA Old Bernard
- We are not taking orders for Bermann, which was released as a limited edition doll.
- Discontinued heads go well with the Old Body. The discontinued heads are compatible with other bodies as well, but the way they are connected to the bodies is structurally different from how they are connected to the Old Body.
- We are in the process of restoring the original sculpts of the discontinued heads. Orders that include discontinued heads will take around a month longer.
DS28M 35s Body, DS28M 32s Body, DS18M Rhythmos Body, DS18M Pure Body, DS18M Old Body (Old Hound Body)
* Time Frame
We will start taking the second round of orders on November 13, 2012. The second round will close when the pre-set order cap is reached. We will start taking the third round of orders when we are almost done with the casting and shipping of the second round of orders.
* Restrictions
There are no restrictions on the number of dolls you can order.
* Order Package
OE Head+Body
- Select the head you would like. SA faceplate of one head type is only compatible with the OE head of the same head type.
* Price
30% off the regular price
- Shipping, asethe, and faceup cost extra. If you want aesthe or faceup service, please allow an extra 3-4 weeks or so for your order to be completed. Please note that it could take longer depending on the faceup artist's schedule and workload.
- We offer layaways. You can pay for your order in 3 installments: the first installment has to be 30% of the total balance. The rest can be paid for 2 months. Payments are to be sent to our PayPal account [email protected]. We keep a separate record of layaway payments in our files as our shopping mall solution does not support payment tracking for layaways.
* Shipping Schedule
2-3 months after an order is placed and paid for
*печально созерцает "Money Transfer received" в статусе