Извините, переводить нет времени. Но тут простой английский и все в общем понятно
«Well, it looks like I have to make a statement about what is happening now.
I don't like having to speack about thing like that, as I prefer to talk about creation and all.
And for now won't make a big legal post about recast, I leave that to my attorney, because yes all my doll has a registred copyright...
As many of you know, one of my oldest mold Constantine is now being recasted.
This doll was the very first one I made for the ready to custom line, in a period of my life
when I was used to sell only artist cast dolls in limited quantities and in art gallery.
I decided to start this ready to custom line, because many customers who follow my work can't afford an artist cast what I understand very well.
Don't think it was an easy decision nor it was an easy road to take, at this moment it was more complicated than now
for an independant artist to build a doll brand.
But is was possible because of the amazing collectors community, that follow me now since years with great respect.
And I want to thank them for that. The messages I read on my facebook page are a confirmation that hopefully there are still good people in this community.
Those who think we, artist make some hudge profit by selling dolls, even in ready to custom line, have absolutely no idea
of how it really work.
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«Well, it looks like I have to make a statement about what is happening now.
I don't like having to speack about thing like that, as I prefer to talk about creation and all.
And for now won't make a big legal post about recast, I leave that to my attorney, because yes all my doll has a registred copyright...
As many of you know, one of my oldest mold Constantine is now being recasted.
This doll was the very first one I made for the ready to custom line, in a period of my life
when I was used to sell only artist cast dolls in limited quantities and in art gallery.
I decided to start this ready to custom line, because many customers who follow my work can't afford an artist cast what I understand very well.
Don't think it was an easy decision nor it was an easy road to take, at this moment it was more complicated than now
for an independant artist to build a doll brand.
But is was possible because of the amazing collectors community, that follow me now since years with great respect.
And I want to thank them for that. The messages I read on my facebook page are a confirmation that hopefully there are still good people in this community.
Those who think we, artist make some hudge profit by selling dolls, even in ready to custom line, have absolutely no idea
of how it really work.
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Я видела бутлежные бошки на ибее вперемешку с какими-то частями от машины (?), и так понимаю, что это говнище льют нелегально на заводах, где есть доступ к ведру с полиуретаном.
По теме, пипец, увидела эту "новость" пару дней назад и захотелось взять что-нибудь тяжёлое. Даааа, я нетолерантна к ворам и их пособникам. Хотелось бы их вообще из сообщества выжить, чтобы не всплывали, как говно в проруби ни на клабе ни на других прощадках, кроме своего болотца =(
Чудо кошачьего племени, если коротко и образно, то примерно ПУ-шаурма "Скушай шота у Ашота".
M.I.Y.U., технический мусор, скажем так, это самое приятное, что сыпется в ПУ. Имела несчастье наблюдать эти "заводы".)))
Напишу пожалуй чуть попозже псто и кину сюда ссылку. Думаю, будет инетерсно почитать.
Ну о**еть теперь. Допрыгались со своей скупкой бастардов, чёртовы уроды. Блин, а ведь их предупреждали, что так будет. Предупреждали же! Но зачем нам думать о завтрашнем дне, правда же? После нас хоть потоп.
Слов никаких нет, кроме нецензурных.