Не зря читал я книги, дух мой рос, дает сейчас мой разум безразмерный на самый заковыристый вопрос - ответ молниеносный и неверный.
вывесили список лотерейных лотов. и он несколько отличается от обьявленного ранее . Главным образом количеством
[ 2008MD/Apr ] Beryl – Never Ending Dream :: 1 Available
[ 2008MD/June ] Onyx – Light and Shadow :: 1 Available in CW
[ 2008MD/July ] Bix – Fateful Night :: 1 Available
[ 2008MD/Aug ] Io – Wind Walker :: 1 Available in NS
[ 2008MD/Oct ] Euclase – The Last Judgment :: 3 Available
[ 2008MD/Dec ] Heliot – God Master - 2 Available
[ 2009MD/Jan ] Amber – Pure Spirit :: 4 Available
[ 2009MD/Feb ] Glot – Dream Caller :: 6 Available
[ 2009MD/Feb ] Glati – Dream Caller :: 2 Available
[ 2009MD/Apr ] Hati – Ignis Fatuus :: 1 Available
[ 2009MD/Apr ] Skoll – Ignis Fatuus :: 2 Available
[ 2009MD/May ] Chrom– Bane of Wood :: 3 Available
[ 2009MD/July ] Cass – Abyss Rhapsody :: 4 Available
[ 2009MD/Aug ] Bygg – Thunder Play :: 5 Available
[ 2009MD/Aug ] Beyla – Thunder Play :: 1 Available
[ 2009MD/Sep ] Sphaler – Millennium Mireu :: 3 Available in CW
SOOM разыгрывает в лотерею некоторое весьма ограниченное количество бывших MD лимиток. Лотерея будет проходить 9 - 11 ноября, всего три дня
* Ordering period: November the 9th ~ 11th 2010 (3 days period).
* Registration with the application form and lottery holding.
* Selected candidates announcement: November the 12th through a notice on the SOOM website.
* Please be aware that it is not possible to cancel your application once you are registered.
* Since these are event items, we will not grant any point or accept layaways for them.
что разыгрывают
To all the owners of SOOM Monthly Dolls – Limited Optional Items Sale Event
* Release date: November the 9th 2010.
* This event is reserved to all the SOOM Monthly Dolls owners.
* We will offer you a chance to purchase wigs, outfits and footwear of 2010 past MDs, regardless of the owned MD type (Example: if you own a Chalco, you can apply for purchasing a Breccia wig).
* If you wish to participate, put the wanted item in the shopping cart and write your MD order number and authorized serial number in the “Order Comments” box.
* If one of these numbers is missing or incorrect, your request will not be validated.
* Since these are event items, we will not grant any point or accept layaways for them.
вывесили список лотерейных лотов. и он несколько отличается от обьявленного ранее . Главным образом количеством
[ 2008MD/Apr ] Beryl – Never Ending Dream :: 1 Available
[ 2008MD/June ] Onyx – Light and Shadow :: 1 Available in CW
[ 2008MD/July ] Bix – Fateful Night :: 1 Available
[ 2008MD/Aug ] Io – Wind Walker :: 1 Available in NS
[ 2008MD/Oct ] Euclase – The Last Judgment :: 3 Available
[ 2008MD/Dec ] Heliot – God Master - 2 Available
[ 2009MD/Jan ] Amber – Pure Spirit :: 4 Available
[ 2009MD/Feb ] Glot – Dream Caller :: 6 Available
[ 2009MD/Feb ] Glati – Dream Caller :: 2 Available
[ 2009MD/Apr ] Hati – Ignis Fatuus :: 1 Available
[ 2009MD/Apr ] Skoll – Ignis Fatuus :: 2 Available
[ 2009MD/May ] Chrom– Bane of Wood :: 3 Available
[ 2009MD/July ] Cass – Abyss Rhapsody :: 4 Available
[ 2009MD/Aug ] Bygg – Thunder Play :: 5 Available
[ 2009MD/Aug ] Beyla – Thunder Play :: 1 Available
[ 2009MD/Sep ] Sphaler – Millennium Mireu :: 3 Available in CW
SOOM разыгрывает в лотерею некоторое весьма ограниченное количество бывших MD лимиток. Лотерея будет проходить 9 - 11 ноября, всего три дня
* Ordering period: November the 9th ~ 11th 2010 (3 days period).
* Registration with the application form and lottery holding.
* Selected candidates announcement: November the 12th through a notice on the SOOM website.
* Please be aware that it is not possible to cancel your application once you are registered.
* Since these are event items, we will not grant any point or accept layaways for them.
что разыгрывают
To all the owners of SOOM Monthly Dolls – Limited Optional Items Sale Event
* Release date: November the 9th 2010.
* This event is reserved to all the SOOM Monthly Dolls owners.
* We will offer you a chance to purchase wigs, outfits and footwear of 2010 past MDs, regardless of the owned MD type (Example: if you own a Chalco, you can apply for purchasing a Breccia wig).
* If you wish to participate, put the wanted item in the shopping cart and write your MD order number and authorized serial number in the “Order Comments” box.
* If one of these numbers is missing or incorrect, your request will not be validated.
* Since these are event items, we will not grant any point or accept layaways for them.
Что это про Монзо написано: Gray - 5 и CW - 5? Я так понимаю, что это 5 серых и 5 крим вайт?
А когда он продавался, то был серый и нормал. Получается, что теперь будет третий цвет?
Парик Галены няняняня!
а куклы - лотереей по непонятным пока правилам
одежку можно брать только 9го числа, а заявки на лотерею - с 9го по 11е
* We will offer you a chance to purchase wigs, outfits and footwear of 2010 past MDs
или готовьтесь 9го навалится на то, что дадут... если у вас есть уже купленные МД, конечно
интересно, а кому номер лимитки уходит в сплитах...
Dear Soom fans,
Thank you for your deep interest for this event.^^
However, we noticed there was a mistake in the previous message.
Please check this message one again :
To all the owners of SOOM Monthly Dolls – Limited Optional Items Sale Event
* Release date: November the 9th 2010.
* This event is reserved to all the SOOM Monthly Dolls owners regardless of the MD doll they own.
This event does not work with Remaining Story, Faery Legend and IDealian dolls.
* We will offer you a chance to purchase wigs, outfits and footwear of 2009 past MDs, regardless of the owned MD type (Example: if you own a Chalco, you can apply for purchasing a Beyla wig).
* If you wish to participate, put the wanted item in the shopping cart and write your MD order number or certificate number in the “Order Comments” box.
* If the provided certificate or order number is incorrect, your request will not be validated.
* Since these are event items, we will not grant any point or accept layaways for them.
*You can registrate for more than one doll.^^
Sorry for making some of you confused (_ _).
Thank you for your attention !
В прошлый раз было не очевидно, в этот раз написали понятней.
Везувии нет. Ыыыыыыы ____________-____________
2Rafael.VYana - чиво?.. =))
То что Визувии нет это жалко....
2LODI - это да. Но есть же засада в виде отсутствия рассрочки.
Вы будете пытаться?